Inflamed? What's the cure?

Last week during one of the Peaches online zoom workouts - I gave the Peaches the disclaimer that I was in a bit of pain (ok - a lot!!!) from my glute injury therapy - and if I seemed a bit “off” - that was why.

The squad has great intuition and they know when I’m not my normal, enthusiastic self!

One of the Peaches then asked what I did to manage pain? Seeming like traditional, auto pilot to me - I rambled off my check list.

One of the most important elements in this equation were the anti inflammatory foods I eat through the week to keep inflammation in my body down.

I discovered these foods almost a decade ago! And - I’ve incorporated them into my diet ever since.

I feel nutrition and the foods we eat can actually heal our body. Yet, the opposition occurs when we put toxic - processed foods into our bodies - disease is stimulated and generated.

So —- what are these magical foods? You may be eating many of them now... and - if not, I strongly encourage you to incorporate them regardless of injury or illness! An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure!

Berries - loaded with antioxidants (called anthocyanins) they not only decrease inflammation in the body - but they boost your immunity and prevent heart disease - I eat these on the daily!

Avocados - easily one of my favorites. Add avocado to salads, sandwiches, breads or rice! Yum! Definitely a super food and one to add to your grocery list

Fatty Fish - salmon, sardines and anchovies - I prefer to eat salmon more frequently and add anchovies (I get them at Trader Joes) into my caesar salads! Fish of this sort boast high amounts of the omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA, which have anti-inflammatory effects

Broccoli - is one of the best sources of sulforaphane, an antioxidant with powerful anti-inflammatory effects. But, yes - this veggie can definitely cause some gas and bloating - so, beware! Especially if you are planning to attend an outing or event!

Green Tea - a substitution I make for coffee in the afternoon - is high in EGCG content and it reduces inflammation. Not only that - it safeguards your cells from damage that can lead to disease

Peppers - added to my stir frys, salads and other weekly dishes - peppers are rich in quercetin, sinapic acid, ferulic acid, and other antioxidants with strong anti-inflammatory effects - plus - they add great flavor to simple recipes

Mushrooms - I add these little guys to majority of my meals! Easy to toss in and rich in selenium, copper, and all of the B vitamins. Best eaten lightly cooked or raw

Tomatoes - I loooooove to eat these in season (my mom could not get me to eat a tomato to save my life when I was a child!!!) - especially added with mozzarella and basil - high in lycopene - this may be particularly beneficial for reducing pro-inflammatory compounds related to several types of cancer

Tumeric - taken in supplement form (City Supplements), fresh turmeric power added to meals post cooking - and proven to drastically reduce inflammatory markers

Grapes - know for having resveratrol - I blend these into my fruit mixes in the morning and post training (I like to mix raw berries and other fruits in a bowl) - especially when in season!

Dark Chocolate - a small piece before bed at night - the flavanols reduce inflammation and the fats help sooth your sleep

If you need more help with your nutrition - please don’t hesitate to shoot me an email at or check out more at - I would love to help you on your journey!

Let’s THRIVE together!

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