For my coffee lovers

Somehow along the way coffee got plagued as “bad” when in all actuality, if you take the necessary steps to keep yourself hydrated, it isn’t something we should label as “bad”.

Now, sure, if you don’t need, want or like coffee, this blog is not so much for you.

And, mushroom coffees are phenomenal and have wonderful health benefits, but they are just not for me,… or I have not made that conversion yet.

Truthfully, I really enjoy coffee. The aroma, the texture and mostly the bitterness. It appeals to me.

Coffee, beneficial for the liver, yet, what we put in our coffee & the type of coffee we drink is the real rationale for many labeling it as “not beneficial” for us.

Hopefully through this blog, I can help you make your coffee the healthiest and best for you.

Coffee contains compounds like chlorogenic acid and antioxidants, which may have protective effects on the liver. Studies suggest that coffee consumption is linked to a lower risk of liver diseases, such as cirrhosis and liver cancer. Additionally, it may help reduce inflammation and promote overall liver health.

Pesticides and other toxins + mold is what we ideally want to steer clear of when we are choosing coffee to prepare at home or even when we order out.

I personally, drink black, small batch, fair trade, organic coffee and fortunately it’s become more accessible depending on where you live & where you shop. You can find some small coffee shops in your area and see where they source their beans.

Online retailers help with access too. The less  additives  to our coffee on an empty stomach the better. Ideally don’t want to “turn our system” on in the morning with sugar + fat added into coffee. Can’t drink black coffee? Organic dairy creamers or non dairy alternatives with few ingredients + no artificial sweeteners.

Other amazing flavorful additions are cacao powder, cinnamon, nutmeg and other spices, monk fruit, mint and vanilla extract.

Also using a chemex or French press to brew & steering clear of plastics and keurig / instant coffees + using unbleached coffee filters.

Don’t forget to and drink plenty of water throughout the day + celtic / pink Himalayan salt to keep you hydrated. If able to work into your routine, before your coffee, kick back 8-12 oz of water with lemon and a 1/2 tsp of salt to begin your day. Even 5-8oz of celery juice when you’re a coffee drinker will keep your body hydrated and added coconut water into shakes, smoothies or other beverages.

Additionally - one of my favorites- Matcha - green tea - always nice for variety and change and loaded with l-theanine an amino acid that supports our brain, sleep cycles and alleviating stress & anxiety.

If you have any other questions, don’t hesitate to drop them below in the comment section and I would love to hear what coffee you love and how you enjoy making it too!