Meet The Peaches
Stephanie Billings
My mission and goal is to help women live the most empowered, free, happy life possible! I started Peaches Figure Salon to bring a positive approach to help you manage your mental and physical health.
Charlene Caldejon
I want to be able to continue to lead a healthier life, and do well on stage! To be able to show other women they can do anything they put their minds to, and lead by example. If I can do well in powerlifting, I can do well in bodybuilding as long as I continue to work hard.
Christina Carmen Crea
The mission of my life and fitness journey is to truly shine in all my strength (hence, sparkles and strength being my tagline). I believe I can be girly, sparkly and loving all while being strong, sure of myself, and confident. Let's show the world a new breed of women, we are here to stay.
Nekaycha Cavil
Beauty, Grace & Everything Lace. Walking you through the things of life, making growth practical. My mission in life is to become and do everything that God has predestined for me to do.